If you prefer to keep your email with your existing email provider but would like to transfer your domain to ClientWhys the following steps must be taken.
STEP 1 – ClientWhys will need a copy of your DNS Zone File. This is a text file that contains details of resource records for your domain including the specific email records, any subdomains and/or any services applied to that Domain. This information should be requested from your DNS hosting provider.
The domain name registrar usually, but not always, manages the DNS records for your domain. If your domain registrar does not manage your DNS records, you will need to find the Domain Hosting Provider using the Whois.com search.
STEP 2 - Provide the DNS Zone File to ClientWhys. In addition to the DNS Zone files, please provide the following information: the name of the domain, the name of the domain registrar and the DNS hosting provider (if applicable).
ClientWhys will set up the DNS Zone Files before you initiate the Domain Transfer.
Caution: ClientWhys will need to point the DNS to our servers first before the domain transfer is initiated. Some DNS Hosts like GoDaddy will drop the DNS as soon as the domain transfers out which will cause email and web outages.
STEP 3 - Transfer the Domain to ClientWhys. (Click here for instructions)