For the Green Portal -
Login to your website admin at
- Click on the Communication tab
- Click on Greetings
- From the dropdown select Covid-19
- From the menu click on the title - Coronavirus Disease Emergency Tax Season Update
You can edit the message or send as is.
To edit the message - Toggle to the right of the Text box and click Edit.
To see a copy of the email, click the preview button on the right or click send test to preview via email.
Scroll down to the line labeled Recipients to and select All recipients or choose one or more clients you like to send the email to.
Click on the Scheduling icon to schedule the email to send.
For CountingWorks 2.0
Login to your website admin at
- Click on the Communication tab
- Click on Campaigns
- From the Category dropdown menu select Covid-19
In the line labeled Send To choose the mailing list you would like to send the email to
Under Content you can edit the message or send as is.
To see a copy of the email, click the Action tab on the top right and select either preview or send test to preview via email.
Scroll down to the line labeled Schedule to schedule the email to send.