A email notification is generated approximately 5 days before the newsletter is scheduled to release to let you know the newsletter is ready for your review. You can change the greeting through the link provided in the e-mail notification or you can login to your website admin and change it in the specific newsletter release. The email newsletter is always scheduled to release on the first business day of the month, never on weekends or holidays.
In the website admin, view the upcoming email newsletter in Communication > Newsletters
- Login to your website admin at https://portal.clientwhys.com
- Click on the Communication tab
- Click on Newsletters
The pre-scheduled newsletter will have an asterisk (*) in the title and the scheduled release date in red.
You can edit the intro message, add or remove articles, change the schedule to a different date and time then what was pre-scheduled by ClientWhys or leave it as is to automatically send on the scheduled date.
To see a copy of the upcoming newsletter, click the preview button on the right or click send test to preview the newsletter via email.
Note - If editing your information such as editing the intro message, adding articles, or changing the release date, all changes must take place before midnight the day before the scheduled release date.
Sample Email Notification
The email notification will come "from" the email address donotreply@clientwhys.com. Make sure to add this email to your safe sender list.
Sample of Upcoming Newsletter (Date queued to future release date)